Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.

Monday 28 April 2008

Mutton Birds Have Landed

We gained another two visitors to our home yesterday when a lovely man walking his dog on the beach found these two mutton birds stranded and exhausted.  One of the birds was completely in the water and semi-conscious whilst its mate had managed to get himself onto the wet sand.  Ten dollars worth of white bait later we discover that these bubs have a belly full of oil already and aren't hungry.  The young mutton birds' bellies are full of oil while they are young in order to withstand the amount of time their parents will be away before bringing food back, or to be able to withstand such long flights without eating.

We hope to have these guys back on track in the next few days, and headed wherever they go when they go ...

Mutton Birds 004 Mutton Birds 006  Mutton Birds 007

Saturday 26 April 2008

How To Eradicate Cockroaches & Make Your Own Ferret DVD

Ferrets 001 Ferrets 001 Ferrets 002

After hundreds of dollars of buying just about every product on the market to kill the small cockroaches, I have finally discovered the ultimate eradicater.  And just how simple is it, you fill a ceramic container with a bit of beer and place it where the problem is located and off the ugly little buggers go to drink and drown.  Not only that theres a whole recycle thing happening with both the ferrets and the chookies coming in to drink the beer and cockroaches.   As you can see the ceramic dish works fantastic and you dont have to drain the dead ones out because the animals clean them out every morning.  No wonder I have such placid chooks and ferrets.

The picture in the middle shows Butter-Belle caught in the DVD holder this morning.  Don't know how she managed to get herself in there, but boy she gets stuck in some wierd places sometimes.  A few nights ago she got herself caught under the stove - while it was on.  When we got her out, she was rather warm.

I LOVE YOU MISS MICHAELA.  Last night you were in my dreams again.

Friday 25 April 2008

Pippi Doing Some Gardening Today In The Backyard

Ferrets 002 Ferrets 003 Ferrets 004

These photos were taken from my upstairs window while Pippi was just playing in the garden.  As you can see, she's basically ringbarking the bottom of the big tree and pruning the palm trees.  These are the things she does when its been raining heaps and I haven't taken her across to the beach at least twice a day.

Friday 18 April 2008

Some of the Presents I have Bought for You Ninya.

Here you can see your bunny and rabbit which dickhead wrote I had ripped their head off.  As you can see dickhead was wrong.  I have some beautiful dominos and foot socks, and invisible cards and a Dr Seus clock and a beautiful easter egg set but i stopped buying those because i reckon they're gonna get pretty yukky.I brought you a Brazt Bag because of all the school stuff I got for you which is shown in another picture.  In there is also a recording pen, its pretty cool.Michaelas Presents 015 

Im sure you rememb er how i told you i would buy you a present each week until you were returned to me ???  Well i thought i would take a few photos just to show you i have kept my word.   I am sure your granny has told you i have never tried to give you anything but the truth is that everytime i have tried she has rang the police and fed them a heap of bullshit and then fed you a heap of bullshit.  Anyway sweetheart heres a few photos of some of the stuff i have still here waiting for you.

Heres some glass paints and other bits and pieces including a very small teaset which you wanted ages ago. The contents of the brazt pencil case. Other bits and pieces.  I love you honey.  I always have and dont let anybody tell you different.  Just because they have stopped me seeing and talking to you altogether doesnt mean its my choice.  Its the choice of that grandmother and grandfather that hold you prisoner there.  Dont worry its not forever, even though to me it certainly feels like it.

Todays Photos of our Family ...

Lucy the Nightmare on our shoulder.Kaffeine and Nugget (on holidays here) ...      Buddy Bear

Thought it was about time to take a few more photos of the kids.  Up on my shoulders attacking my head we have Lucy.  Lucy came to us after her mother ran away and the other mothers in her tribe refused to feed her.  She's been totally spoilt and runs amok and is very used to getting her own way.

Nugget on the other hand has his paws on Kaffeinnes head telling him to bugger off out of his cage.  Nugget is on holidays with us again as his owners are working away.  Nuggets a completely spoilt little ferret.  He's currently very choosy about his food and normally eats scotch fillet steak, minced veal, mince pork, chicken breast chopped up, however at the moment he's being a real bugger and hot eating any of this.  I guess he's on a liquid diet of pet milk.  FERRETS ARE LACTOSE INTOLERANT.

Ferrets 010Kaffeinne

Buddy on the bottom left is my big beautiful boy who escaped with Kaffeinne and five other brothers and sisters over a year ago after some idiot set off  crackers near our house.  They ripped up the cage and left.  Fortunately we found his twin sisters Ruby and Scooby in the laundry, and these two boys were found up the road by a lovely neighbour a week later.

The bub in the middle has yet to be named.  We bought her and her sister a few weeks ago from another breeder to sell.  However they're both very beautiful so I guess they're staying.

Pippi-Monster busted stealing Eggs again.

Last week I left the chilli garden gate open and Pippi taxed all the bloody chook eggs.  No evidence to prove such statements however circumstantial evidence shows I have never had a day when all my chooks did not lay an egg.

This morning however we have caught the culprit in action --- have a look at this photo and tell me she didn't knock off the third egg!

Pippi 002Ferrets 001 Evidence of Pippi stealing eggs

What's In the Backyard ...

View from our backyard to the beach track.  Nanna's Garden.  I am gonig to get a little headstone for her. My Brahmi Plant.  This is a herb eaten to help memory.  Dont worry about my memory, I will never forget.

Well Ninya, you remember how  i tried to make a garden once and all we ended up growing was redbacks?  Well this time i'm doing a lot better.  Probably with a bit of exceptional bit of coaxing from Nanna and Nev.

I guess the last time you got to speak to Nanna was when

your granny made you ring her and ask if you could come over and visit and then she wouldn't let you.  I bet this makes you sad.  It would make me sad and I would tell everybody what a horrible granny i have.

My Lemon Tree I.  I was growing these for nanna because she loved lemon skin in her tea.My legendary

Any how I took some photos of the yard today for you to see close up because i know the only time you get to see it is when your grandmother has had a few scotches and plucks up the courage to drive past or sit out the front of our home.

Dont worry, one day you can just tell her to get fucked and come on over here.  She wont be able to do anything about it.  Actually you could help yourself by telling people who love you and care about you all the nasty sly things your granny does to you.  Shelly would be a good start becuause her and her mum absolutely adore you and i know that given the chance they would help you.

Sad News, Rusty Died Last Week.

P2270016 My favourite little psycho chook Rusty was buried out in the backyard last week after she became quite unwell.  Rusty used to love smashing the chilli plants and they're going to be a long time in recovery to ever look as good as they did before the old girl came along.  Rusty was one of our chooks that came from the Egg Farm at Erina, and like so many chookies was mistreated before she came to us so never really liked being patted as did the other girls. 

We did have many feats with her though, as she would eventually come all the way up the stairs and into the house with the other chooks for their good morning hellos'.  Rusty was a beautiful chooky and will be well missed.

We have buried her out the back and are going to cover her with one of the beautiful chilli bushes she used to love to eat.

For The Love Of Money on Ellis Beach, FNQ

 Pippi 002It's sad how the old saying money is the root of all evil is so true.  Even sadder how money  can destroy families by taking over the very people who love them.  Take my mother for instance.  She sold her soul to the devil for a block of land, some lovely furniture and a few hundred dollars a week.

She might think she's happy but everyone knows she's not.  How could she be?  She lives to destroy the very people that have always loved her just for a little more financial security.  And for those of us who have been down on the scourge of our knees with our last cent can tell you that some of the best times we ever had was when we had absolutely nothing.

Some of the best memories I have are of being in the far north queensland with nothing more than a friend, a swag, some weetbix and powdered milk, a fishing line and my stash.  We were as broke as all shit, but had the best and most unforgettable weekends ever known.

This is Umbi posing for the cameraEllis Beach 1994 was one of them weekends with a friend of mine, Scott who i manage to see once every blue moon.  He was a friend of a friend, and we ended up at Ellis Beach with hardly a nicklel to scratch our arse. 

We never caught a fish, but we went wandering that night into the camp site and met some lovely people who had piss and food and shared with us as we shared our stash.  We all awoke the next morning on the most beautiful beach as the sun was rising with the strangest feeling of being cold even though it was the middle of summer.   When I looked down the water was lapping at my feet as the tide was on its way up and not far from my knees.  Since then, i make sure to sleep way past the high tide mark.

My mother could never have such wonderful memories as this, because she just cannot share.  She has to have it all.  And how very sad for her.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Our Newest Family Member - PIPPI

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Pippi came to us the day nanna died, unbeknownst to us.  Her owners were looking after their father who needed daily dialysis and could no longer keep her.  She's a BULMATION.  That is Bully X Dalmation.  She's 5 1/2 months old and very disobedient.  She loves the beach, and only comes if she's got nothing better to do.  She loves the odd bit of gardening too and is most lovely to our chookies.

I know these pics are pretty crap but they're all i have at the moment as the batteries for the digicam are flat.