Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

How To Eradicate Cockroaches & Make Your Own Ferret DVD

Ferrets 001 Ferrets 001 Ferrets 002

After hundreds of dollars of buying just about every product on the market to kill the small cockroaches, I have finally discovered the ultimate eradicater.  And just how simple is it, you fill a ceramic container with a bit of beer and place it where the problem is located and off the ugly little buggers go to drink and drown.  Not only that theres a whole recycle thing happening with both the ferrets and the chookies coming in to drink the beer and cockroaches.   As you can see the ceramic dish works fantastic and you dont have to drain the dead ones out because the animals clean them out every morning.  No wonder I have such placid chooks and ferrets.

The picture in the middle shows Butter-Belle caught in the DVD holder this morning.  Don't know how she managed to get herself in there, but boy she gets stuck in some wierd places sometimes.  A few nights ago she got herself caught under the stove - while it was on.  When we got her out, she was rather warm.

I LOVE YOU MISS MICHAELA.  Last night you were in my dreams again.