Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.

Friday, 18 April 2008

For The Love Of Money on Ellis Beach, FNQ

 Pippi 002It's sad how the old saying money is the root of all evil is so true.  Even sadder how money  can destroy families by taking over the very people who love them.  Take my mother for instance.  She sold her soul to the devil for a block of land, some lovely furniture and a few hundred dollars a week.

She might think she's happy but everyone knows she's not.  How could she be?  She lives to destroy the very people that have always loved her just for a little more financial security.  And for those of us who have been down on the scourge of our knees with our last cent can tell you that some of the best times we ever had was when we had absolutely nothing.

Some of the best memories I have are of being in the far north queensland with nothing more than a friend, a swag, some weetbix and powdered milk, a fishing line and my stash.  We were as broke as all shit, but had the best and most unforgettable weekends ever known.

This is Umbi posing for the cameraEllis Beach 1994 was one of them weekends with a friend of mine, Scott who i manage to see once every blue moon.  He was a friend of a friend, and we ended up at Ellis Beach with hardly a nicklel to scratch our arse. 

We never caught a fish, but we went wandering that night into the camp site and met some lovely people who had piss and food and shared with us as we shared our stash.  We all awoke the next morning on the most beautiful beach as the sun was rising with the strangest feeling of being cold even though it was the middle of summer.   When I looked down the water was lapping at my feet as the tide was on its way up and not far from my knees.  Since then, i make sure to sleep way past the high tide mark.

My mother could never have such wonderful memories as this, because she just cannot share.  She has to have it all.  And how very sad for her.