Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.

Friday, 18 April 2008

Some of the Presents I have Bought for You Ninya.

Here you can see your bunny and rabbit which dickhead wrote I had ripped their head off.  As you can see dickhead was wrong.  I have some beautiful dominos and foot socks, and invisible cards and a Dr Seus clock and a beautiful easter egg set but i stopped buying those because i reckon they're gonna get pretty yukky.I brought you a Brazt Bag because of all the school stuff I got for you which is shown in another picture.  In there is also a recording pen, its pretty cool.Michaelas Presents 015 

Im sure you rememb er how i told you i would buy you a present each week until you were returned to me ???  Well i thought i would take a few photos just to show you i have kept my word.   I am sure your granny has told you i have never tried to give you anything but the truth is that everytime i have tried she has rang the police and fed them a heap of bullshit and then fed you a heap of bullshit.  Anyway sweetheart heres a few photos of some of the stuff i have still here waiting for you.

Heres some glass paints and other bits and pieces including a very small teaset which you wanted ages ago. The contents of the brazt pencil case. Other bits and pieces.  I love you honey.  I always have and dont let anybody tell you different.  Just because they have stopped me seeing and talking to you altogether doesnt mean its my choice.  Its the choice of that grandmother and grandfather that hold you prisoner there.  Dont worry its not forever, even though to me it certainly feels like it.