ALECOMM.COM WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY DOWN, please temporarily enjoy a more personal site.
Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.
Monday, 28 December 2015
RE: website and offer
like myself, lukes army helps many people who are unnecessarily suffering because of government corruption and greed. we do it without pay, without thanx, most of the time without acknowledgement and sometimes we also give what little money we do have to help others who are worse off than ourselves.
now i don't know what kind of position you are in, but i do know where me and michael have come from and what we have experienced, and how that has turned us around into helping others suffering the same, but i do know that to try and sell a person a website name, that is only it's name because of the child who he lost, is not the right thing to do. it is not only michael who suffers, but those who are at the end of their rope from the torment and torture they suffer on a daily basis that we also try to prevent them giving up hope, and their life.
so i am asking you, to out of the kindness of your heart, to please sign this website back over to the man who lost his boy's life to one of the many governments that do not care one bit, nor are accountable for their actions.
i am asking you to find it in your heart to help one man who has lost everything, so he can continue to help others - like myself - without receiving anything in return.
in return i can offer you advertising on my site, which up until i had to upgrade it and move servers, was getting 10,000 people per day and at one stage was up to 80,000 - mainly from my country Australia. i would be eternally grateful for your kind act and hope to hear from you with a positive outcome.
kind regards, Marney.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Lucy and the Yoghurt
Isn't my Lucy girl just gorgeous. She's grown since the last photo's of her i took. Now she's a mum with 7 little fat kits. Her pregnancy cravings were things such as yoghurt and mango. Wierd bloody ferret. She's a wonderful mum, just like me and unlike mine. We all count the days till karma kicks in.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Happy 10th Birthday Michaela
Hi Baby, how are you. I hope you had a lovely day for your birthday, and as usual i'm sure by now you're aware that i love you very much even though your lovely grandmother believes that preventing us from ever seeing each other is normal. This picture is Pippi the other day across the road from home at the beach. She loves the water and now we have a friend for her Bob.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
No Evil Granny's Allowed On This Beach
We even have the signs to prove it. ... Anyhoo (ha ha ha ha haa!) Heres some photos i took of the beach today which is across the road from home. Me and Pippi go over every day in the morning and the afternoon. She loves to chase rocks and doesn't mind the water either when its calm.

THE NEW TWO TONED OLIVE (NANNA'S CHARIOT) ??? I don't think so ...
I'm pretty sure when I purchased Olive (Nanna's Chariot), that she was all one colour.
And brand new parts come chipped AND BROKEN these days???
More chips.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Renovations to the HILTON HEN-HOUSE
Yesterday I spent the morning adding an additional level to the girls home. They now have two floors with a major extensions to one of the top rooms. Check out these photos. I may not have got much from the Ugly Harris side of the family but i guess i did get a few good building qualities from Old Jack.
Now I can get another six chookies ...
Friday, 9 May 2008
Photo Sessions For The Day ...
On the left we have Nanny-Bear. She's absolutely beautiful and also the grandaughter of Ginger who is in the middle photo. Look out Nanny Bear, Ginger might run around to the same kangaroo courts and take you away from your mother too if you're not careful! Ha ha ! Actually Nanny-Bears mother was a pretty crap mother, just like mine, only this ones mum actually completely smothered her kids. Lucky for me I got away.
Gingey Bell in the middle there is doing what she does best. Sleeping. Actually you can just see she has her eyes just opened, keeping an eye on whats going on. She's laying on her son Kaffeine-Bean and looks rather cozy.
The next picture is of a sexy man, who is giving the 'Look of Shame'. This looks for you granny. You disgust us all. Send Michaela home where she wants to be and stop wrecking other peoples lives. We dont care if your life sux, just leave us alone, we were happy enough before you came along and we'll chuck a bloody party as soon as we get you out of our life for good. Don't think it wont happen... Times running out for you and you know my girls going to read these affidavits with all your filth reaaaal sooooon!
Give it up while you can and avoid a jail sentence. Give me back my block of land you stole and stay out of our life. Nobody wants you. And nobody is going to look after you when you're sick and dying. Hopefully that will be soon. It'd make my day.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Mutton Birds Have Landed
We gained another two visitors to our home yesterday when a lovely man walking his dog on the beach found these two mutton birds stranded and exhausted. One of the birds was completely in the water and semi-conscious whilst its mate had managed to get himself onto the wet sand. Ten dollars worth of white bait later we discover that these bubs have a belly full of oil already and aren't hungry. The young mutton birds' bellies are full of oil while they are young in order to withstand the amount of time their parents will be away before bringing food back, or to be able to withstand such long flights without eating.
We hope to have these guys back on track in the next few days, and headed wherever they go when they go ...