Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

THE NEW TWO TONED OLIVE (NANNA'S CHARIOT) ??? I don't think so ...

Proton Damage 021 Proton Damage 022

I'm pretty sure when I purchased Olive (Nanna's Chariot), that she was all one colour. 

 Proton Damage 023Proton Damage 024Proton Damage 025And brand new parts come chipped AND BROKEN these days???     Proton Damage 026 Proton Damage 027 Unfixed. Proton Damage 028 More chips.        Proton Damage 032Broken         Proton Damage 040