To my dearest darling Michaela.
Words cannot express how much i miss you and how much i will never forgive the people that helped take you away from me with their lies and deceipt, and along with the stupidity of the family law court.
I would like to let you know that my life has never been the same without you gone, and no matter what i do there is still an emptiness inside me that will never leave until you return. And believe me i will never stop fighting for you until you are returned.
What i thought i would do for you is write you this blog for you to see, and anyone else, so you can see what im doing daily and so you can feel that i am still within reach, if you are able to find me on the internet.
I know that your computer skills would be getting quite good now and as time goes by you will find your way around the net easier and maybe come across this site. Otherwise maybe somebody that knows and cares about you may come across this and tell you about it.
OBviously this will be none of your family becauase they are nothing but arseholes and for what it's worth I will start putting some of the affidavits of that are full of their lies about you and me to show you and the world what we have been through the last three years.
Apparently its agains the law for me to publish these affidavits, but as i understand they are written about me and you and therefore it is my decision. Besides that what are they going to do? Take you away from me? Oh shit they already done that. I guess this means i have nothing left to lose anyhow. So why not get this stuff out into the open because believe me I have searched every avenue to try and get you home and to no avail.
I want you to know now that I love you, I have always love you, and I will love you forever. You are never out of my heart of my mind and not a day goes by where i do not have constant thoughts of you and an aching sadness in my heart.
I love you forever and I know that I have said this before sweetheart,
Love always,
Posted by Marn at
8:52 PM The Beginning of my Big BLogOkay. Well some people might think that my blog is kind of lame but i don't care. Im of the understanding that your blog is to express what you think about things, life, etc so this is mine. Maybe you will just think im a retard, or maybe you will know of other people in the same situation whom are going through the same shit as me.
Posted by Marn at
8:16 PM