Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.

Monday, 29 October 2007

Beach Summer and Fun

Did You Get to See the Huge Ship at Stockton Beach?

How are you today? I thought of you this morning as i headed over the beach to have a look at the water and remember how much we used to head over the surf and take Bullet with us. Remember when we used to go snorkelling all the time out at the Rock Pool and you would just take off way out the back and I would have to come and get you becasue I was too chicken to snorkel out there myself? Tough thing you always were.

I miss doing all those things with you and i really dont do them much because it just isn't the same. I do try and go over the beach pretty much every day because as you would know it is straight out the front of our home.

It took me a long time to be able to go over the beach as well because when i did all i could do was think about you and then i would cry for how much i was missing you.

I still cry. I cry every other day and there's hardly a minute in my days that go by that you are not in my thoughts.

I love you so much Michaela,

And I always will.

Mummy xxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Rusty's Egg Stash

For 2 weeks now I have searched the yard high and low looking for all the eggs that I know Rusty laid. Naughty chook she is - she hides her eggs and she eats all the leaves off our chilli plants. We found 16 eggs today under the rubbish heap.

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Our Chookies

Here are our chookies Michaela. You would really love them, they are heaps cool. The white fluffy one is Fluffy and the black fluffy one is Nutter.

We have 5 brown girls who are called Tumbi and Umbi (because that's where we got them), Losty because she was lost before she came to us, Rusty and Tonto.

We did have the big white boy rooster but had to get him another home because he made to much noise.

As you can see by the chickens on the table they come inside anytime they feel like it by jumping in the kitchen window.
They annoy the ferrets because they steal their food but they are beautiful and give us lovely tasty eggs to eat.

Christian says Hello

I see Christian and Lisa still a fair bit and he is always asking about you. He misses you very much and cannot wait till you get home.

Christian is doing karate like you two were always going to do and he is nearly a black belt. He says that he is going to kick butt of anyone who has hurt you while you have been gone. He is getting very tall and now he also has a little brother who's name is Blake. Blake is nearly two and he loves playing with his pet chook.
You would love our chookies to Michaela. They chase us around the yard, they jump around with the ferrets and they come inside all the time when the window is open because there are now screens on the window. They're naughty chookies but they give us beautiful eggs and we love them very much. I am sure you would love them too.

Hello Miss Ninya

Remember when you were at Budgewoi School before your granny sent you to St Marys? Well do you remember when you used to talk to Sky and April and you would tell them that you did not know who took you away from your mummy but you wish they would send you home?

YOUR GRANNY DID THAT. She has lied to you and I'm sure you may know this by now. You granny is the one who told all the lies to the police and court people so they would take you away from me. Nobody did this except for your granny. If she didnt write and say all the lies she did the court and the police would have never sent you there.

Baby Ferrets Have Arrived

To My Beautiful Michaela,

This site is pretty much for your reading, so you know I am always thinking of you while your spiteful sick twisted grandmother keeps us apart. I know you are getting older and soon you will be able to tell her to drop dead and you and I will be able to get away from her control forever.

In the meantime I will keep in contact with you this way and i will post as many photos for you of our life and the life you are being denied. Remember that I will always love you and not to ever feel guilty for what awful things she has made you say and do.

Here are our new ferret babies which have been born just after your birthday three weeks ago. They are all so beautiful and now they are starting to eat food not just their mummies milk. The little ones bit my finger this morning when they smelt the chicken meat I had for them. They loved it.

I love you very much sweetheart, and I know that today you do not know this blog exists but soon you will. Love forever, Mum.

To My Beautiful Little Girl Michaela-Lei MacDonald

To my dearest darling Michaela.

Words cannot express how much i miss you and how much i will never forgive the people that helped take you away from me with their lies and deceipt, and along with the stupidity of the family law court.

I would like to let you know that my life has never been the same without you gone, and no matter what i do there is still an emptiness inside me that will never leave until you return. And believe me i will never stop fighting for you until you are returned.

What i thought i would do for you is write you this blog for you to see, and anyone else, so you can see what im doing daily and so you can feel that i am still within reach, if you are able to find me on the internet.

I know that your computer skills would be getting quite good now and as time goes by you will find your way around the net easier and maybe come across this site. Otherwise maybe somebody that knows and cares about you may come across this and tell you about it.

OBviously this will be none of your family becauase they are nothing but arseholes and for what it's worth I will start putting some of the affidavits of that are full of their lies about you and me to show you and the world what we have been through the last three years.

Apparently its agains the law for me to publish these affidavits, but as i understand they are written about me and you and therefore it is my decision. Besides that what are they going to do? Take you away from me? Oh shit they already done that. I guess this means i have nothing left to lose anyhow. So why not get this stuff out into the open because believe me I have searched every avenue to try and get you home and to no avail.

I want you to know now that I love you, I have always love you, and I will love you forever. You are never out of my heart of my mind and not a day goes by where i do not have constant thoughts of you and an aching sadness in my heart.

I love you forever and I know that I have said this before sweetheart,

Love always,



Posted by Marn at 8:52 PM 0 comments

The Beginning of my Big BLog
Okay. Well some people might think that my blog is kind of lame but i don't care. Im of the understanding that your blog is to express what you think about things, life, etc so this is mine. Maybe you will just think im a retard, or maybe you will know of other people in the same situation whom are going through the same shit as me.
Posted by Marn at 8:16 PM 0 comments