How are you today? I thought of you this morning as i headed over the beach to have a look at the water and remember how much we used to head over the surf and take Bullet with us. Remember when we used to go snorkelling all the time out at the Rock Pool and you would just take off way out the back and I would have to come and get you becasue I was too chicken to snorkel out there myself? Tough thing you always were.
I miss doing all those things with you and i really dont do them much because it just isn't the same. I do try and go over the beach pretty much every day because as you would know it is straight out the front of our home.
It took me a long time to be able to go over the beach as well because when i did all i could do was think about you and then i would cry for how much i was missing you.
I still cry. I cry every other day and there's hardly a minute in my days that go by that you are not in my thoughts.
I love you so much Michaela,
And I always will.
Mummy xxxxxxxxxxx