hi there, my friend started the lukes army website five years ago when his son was murdered in care. i met him shortly after this, when my newborn baby was stolen by the government also. since this time, both lukes army and myself have assisted hundreds, possibly thousands of parents and children worldwide to navigate the criminal child protection authorities and try to get their children back. we do have some success and that keep us going, along with the motion that we will oneday achieve change in the child protection system worldwide whereby it will no longer be trafficking children from innocent parents worldwide.
like myself, lukes army helps many people who are unnecessarily suffering because of government corruption and greed. we do it without pay, without thanx, most of the time without acknowledgement and sometimes we also give what little money we do have to help others who are worse off than ourselves.
now i don't know what kind of position you are in, but i do know where me and michael have come from and what we have experienced, and how that has turned us around into helping others suffering the same, but i do know that to try and sell a person a website name, that is only it's name because of the child who he lost, is not the right thing to do. it is not only michael who suffers, but those who are at the end of their rope from the torment and torture they suffer on a daily basis that we also try to prevent them giving up hope, and their life.
so i am asking you, to out of the kindness of your heart, to please sign this website back over to the man who lost his boy's life to one of the many governments that do not care one bit, nor are accountable for their actions.
i am asking you to find it in your heart to help one man who has lost everything, so he can continue to help others - like myself - without receiving anything in return.
in return i can offer you advertising on my site, which up until i had to upgrade it and move servers, was getting 10,000 people per day and at one stage was up to 80,000 - mainly from my country Australia. i would be eternally grateful for your kind act and hope to hear from you with a positive outcome.
kind regards, Marney.
Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.
Monday, 28 December 2015
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