Well Miss Ninya, they can stop you from hearing from me, they can tell you i dont love you, they can charge me for ringing you, but they cannot stop me publishing that i do love you and what is happening. The real version that is, not the version that your granny conjures up in her psychopathic unconscionable head.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Lucy and the Yoghurt

021 Isn't my Lucy girl just gorgeous.  She's grown since the last photo's of her i took.  Now she's a mum with 7 little fat kits.  Her pregnancy cravings were things such as yoghurt and mango.  Wierd bloody ferret.  She's a wonderful mum, just like me and unlike mine.  We all count the days till karma kicks in.

Friday, 3 October 2008

Happy 10th Birthday Michaela


Hi Baby, how are you.  I hope you had a lovely day for your birthday, and as usual i'm sure by now you're aware that i love you very much even though your lovely grandmother believes that preventing us from ever seeing each other is normal.    This picture is Pippi the other day across the road from home at the beach.  She loves the water and now we have a friend for her Bob.