I said "To Be Continued previously", and that was for the reason that today I have a hell of a lot to say. After Leslie telling my best friend that the reason I was not invited to my nanna's funeral was quote because of the stunt i tried to pull at the hospital, end quote.
For those of you wondering what this nasty little bitch is referring to ... she's referring to the fact that I tried to get my nanna out of Wyong Hospital and into a private hospital for which my nanna had paid into for some 50 years. I know this because my nanna told me this. Leslie called my trumps and had the hospital keep my nanna there till they finally let her swallow enough vomit down into her lungs that it eventually killed her. Well she showed me didnt she.
Good on you Leslie, another one for you. But just quietly how disrespectful to only have people at my nanna's funeral that you wanted there? It wasn't your funeral you selfish selfish girl, it was your mothers. And I looked after her till she died. I took her shopping, I took her to the doctors, I took her out and to the beach, and to the cemetary to lay flowers for Noel and Pat. I took her to Bunnings.
You really showed the world what sort of person you were by doing this, and now everyone can see you for what you are. Your own needs were more important to you than your own mothers at her own funeral. As for you Trish, I think you're teaching the wrong classes. You should be teaching Economics because you sure know how to make a quick buck. You may think this is a little gross information - but let me tell you, this is just the beginning. I intend on telling you every detail of abuse that the nurses and that hospital system allowed my beautiful nanna to be put through. First of all, I will tell you that i have visited my nanna's grave today and could not believe that not one miserable person put anything on my nanna's grave to show they loved her. Yes, there were nice flowers there, but me and nanna put them there for Noel and Pat on Valentines Day this year (2008).
My nanna was one of the most beautiful people i ever knew. She would never hurt a soul and she only ever was nice to people. She had the best jokes i ever heard anybody tell and a sense of humour that would make a good person blush. I spent the last six months with my nanna almost full time, and I tell you it was one of the best times of my life. We went everywhere and i dragged my nanna everywhere i could possibly take her. So to watch hospital staff treat my nanna so appaulingly as you will soon understand, was one of the most painful experiences i could possibly imagine. What made it even harder was the fact that her daughter (the only heir to her inheritance) fought me all the way on looking after my nanna.
I guess we had alterior motives. I wanted my nanna to live, as her money meant nothing to me, and Leslie wanted the opposite... You think I'm wrong? Well first questions first ... Why the hell did Leslie allow her mother to be treated in a public hospital when private insurance was prepaid? If Leslie was such the loving daughter, why was my nanna not transferred almost immediately upon being taken to hospital to a private hospital, which my nanna obviously wanted because she fuckingwell paid for it.
Secondly, when and after she had failed to obtain a private hospital bed, and I obtained one for my nanna at Toronto, did Leslie refuse to have my nanna be transferred? She overrode my nanna's choice to have private hospital and made her stay in a hospital that had staff that quite happily murdered my nanna. Oh, Dear. Leslie stood to inherit my nanna's house ... three hundred thousands dollars worth. I guess Leslie had lots and lots of reasons to keep my nanna on a hospital that she knew damn well was going to kill her. And I thought my mother and money was the root of all evil. No wonder these two women always hated each other, they are exactly the same.